How to View the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

How to View the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

It's Eclipse Day!

2024 Total Eclipse

On April 8, 2024, lucky observers in the path of totality will see a total solar eclipse. As the Moon covers the Sun completely, they’ll experience a 360-degree sunset, see stars during the day, and—best of all—observe the Sun’s breathtaking corona firsthand. This eclipse is the third notable solar eclipse visible from the United States between August 2017 and April 2024. 

2024 Eclipse Path

The eclipse’s path begins in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern Mexico at 15:42 UTC (08:42 PDT) and moves across the southwestern United States and into Canada. The eclipse’s narrow path in the United States spans from Texas to Maine, traversing 13 states. Observers in other parts of North America, South America, and even a sliver of western Europe will witness a partial eclipse.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse

In the United States, the eclipse will make landfall at Eagle Pass, Texas. From there, it will move across parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire, ending in Houlton, Maine. 



When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide — Timeline

The eclipse starts in one place and ends in another as it traverses the globe. The table below shows the actual times (in UTC) when the various phases of the eclipse begin and end. If you want to observe the eclipse yourself, you’ll need to look up specific times for your viewing location.


UTC Time

Partial eclipse begins at first location

April 8 at 15:42:10

Totality begins at first location

April 8 at 16:38:47

Maximum eclipse

April 8 at 18:17:16

Totality begins at last location

April 8 at 19:55:32

Partial eclipse begins at last location

April 8 at 20:52:14


Get prepared to view the Sun safely during this annular eclipse or anytime with our Ultimate Guide to Observing the Sun.


More resources to help you observe and photograph the eclipse:



Solar Safe Viewing Tips

Learn how to view the Sun and solar eclipses with EclipSmart.

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Our EclipSmart products are ISO-compliant, filtering 99.99% of visible light! Browse the EclipSmart lineup to find the right products for you.



Watch the Eclipse Live

If you aren’t in the path of totality during this eclipse, we recommend watching’s livestream coverage. 

Time and Date 2024 Solar Eclipse Live Stream


Annular Eclipse Stories

Two Celestron employees have had unforgettable experiences while witnessing solar eclipses. Read their stories and get inspired!



The Next Total Solar Eclipses

Due to the Saros Cycle, the total eclipse of 2024 will be the last solar eclipse to cross the continental United States until August 23, 2044. An annular eclipse will follow on February 16, 2045, and another total solar eclipse is due on August 12, 2045.