Tom Johnson Announcement

2835 Columbia St
Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: 310-328-9560
Fax: 310-212-5835




Tom Johnson

Celestron Logo


March 13, 2012


Dear Celestron Friends,

We are deeply saddened to announce that Celestron founder, Thomas J. Johnson, passed away at 5am PST on March 13, 2012.

Tom's innovative, pioneering spirit created a revolutionary method of mass producing an affordable Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope design, which allowed millions of amateur astronomers to pursue their passion for astronomy. Other notable achievements include a 1978 David Richardson Medal from the Optical Society of America, a 1993 Bruce Blair Medal from the Western Amateur Astronomers, and a 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Small Telescope & Astronomical Society.

Our hearts go out to Tom's wife and family and to all who were touched by his achievements and innovation.



Joseph A. Lupica, Jr.
President & CEO



Watch a video about Tom Johnson's contribution to the world of amateur astronomy: